Sunday, October 9, 2011

Truth to Power

For regular updates on news, marches, and updates on what's happening, check out their site.

Brown people in Occupy Wall Street. OccupyTheHood:"If white people got the cold, we got the flu". Bonus points to the people who donated not only food, clothing, shoes, but tampons to the protest!

Over 3000 protesters occupied Washington Square Park today. I dig the guy with the ball and chain of student loans.

Occupy Wall Street is about anti-greed and anti-corporate exploitation. It is about rectifying the stark imbalance of wealth distribution in America so that the "99%" can survive and live healthy lives too, not just the "1%" of the rich. If you are for the American middle class, helping people provide for their families, and forcing corporations to remain accountable for their actions, then you should be for Occupy Wall Street. Societies need banks to function, but they don't need banks and corporations that recklessly exploit and manipulate the economy for the sake of company profits. We teach children in school that greed is bad. Why then do we nonchalantly disguise greed as the ultimate "incentive" when it comes to the economy? There is a difference between wanting to live comfortable, livable lives with a stable income, and attempting to shamelessly exploit and manipulate an entire economy for the sake of relentless profits among a handful of companies' bottom line. The first is earning a living, the second is plain greed. We all need banks to live our lives, but we need to recognize that the financial system, ranging from banks, credit cards, student loans, to stock trading, must be fundamentally transformed, or in other words, engage in responsible and ethical business practices, so that society itself, its customers, the "99%", can survive. The current recession has already proven that the current financial system is not sustainable. The prosperity of a tiny percentage should not be used as a justification for the poverty of the rest. Systems of power can never critique themselves. Change must come from the outside, from those who have suffered the losses.

"But nothing, however profitable, goes on forever." C.L.R James The Black Jacobins

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