Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween from Theory Dogs!

We here in New York were treated ::ahem:: to an early snowstorm over Halloween weekend. It turned out to be a great though, as the dogs and I hunkered down to some good movies, spooky books, and popcorn. Naturally, we couldn't last the whole weekend without a treat, so I tricked the dogs into having some ice cream. Ok, it was more like tricking them into wearing paper ice cream cones, and I made sure they got some delicious dog treats for it! Kuvi is already pontificating the ramifications of dessert deception.

"I am a frozen treat, but am I frozen inside?" Oh, gloomy Kuvi, how does she manage her existential angst?

On the other hand/paw, Kaila toughs it out for the peanut butter cookies.

"I hate this. Maybe closing my eyes will facilitate the treating process." ::squint::

Happy Halloween from Theory Dogs!

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